
Available pieces at the Atelier

Please find a currated selection, shipping worldwide :)

All the art pieces are hand-painted or hand-drawn by Guillaume Sardin. Some have been exhibited internationally, while others are part of a series or one-offs. Each piece is an exploration of themes that inspire Guillaume: creolization, our relationship with the past, and how stories shape us.

Rwanda Milk pots

During my art residency in Rwanda, I painted on 20 Inkongoro, traditional Rwandan milk pots. I transformed them into Greek-style vases, each telling the story of the Goats and the Snake—the two animals central to the tale of Nyakagecuru, a Rwandan female leader from the 16th century. A living example of Édouard Glissant’s concept of creolization in action.

learn more about my art residency here

Rwanda Milk Pot 1 & 2

paint on wood

#1 & #2 SOLD

Rwandan Milk Pot 3

paint on wood, featuring one of Ruganzu’s goat in a Agaseke, a Rwanda gift baskets

61cm by 72cm

Rwandan Milk Pots 4 &7

paint on wood, featuring an empty gift basket on #4 and one of the Ruganzu’s goat eating thistle on #7


Rwandan Milk Pots 16 & 18

paint on wood, featuring the goats of King Ruganzu

#16 SOLD / #17 AVAILABLE with an antic handweaved cap

Rwandan Milk Pots 6 & 17

paint on wood, featuring Nyakagecuru snake on #6 and her snake around an empty agaseke on #17

#6 - #17 with a antic handweaved cap

Rwandan Milk Pot 14

paint on wood, featuring Ruganzu’s goat in a landscape of Rwandan plants


Saint Sebastian - Pachamama serie

Four paintings reimagine Saint Sebastian as a Pachamama martyr, reclaiming Christian sainthood through a re-paganized lens. Set within 18th- and 19th-century frames, these works tell four distinct stories in which Saint Sebastian is martyred by Humankind. In one, he is crowned by Pachamama; in another, his martyrdom unfolds while two oblivious hikers nap nearby.

The laws of nature, much like monotheistic gods, are immaterial beings—everywhere and nowhere at once. This series weaves a new Golden Legend for a planet in peril, a visual ode to an endangered world.

Saint Sebastian with the Lotus Column

paint on paper, in a antic early XIXth frame

78cm by 94cm

Saint Sebastian’s corronation as Pachamama

paint on paper, in a antic XIXth century Barbizon frame

61cm by 72cm

Saint Sebastian with the Pachamama

paint on paper, in a antic frame

102cm by 74cm

Saint Sebastian and the nappers

paint on paper, in a antic XIXth century frame

34cm by 41cm

Other paintings

Cadmos and Harmony

paint on paper, in a antic early XXth frame

41 by 48 cm

Gilgamesh in the Forest

paint on paper, in a antic XVIII century woodcarved frame

40cm by 60cm

Self Protrait with a vase

paint on wood

30cm by 40cm

The Diner - triptych

paint on wood

3 pannels of 60cm by 80 cm

Drawings and Sketches

From Work sketches to little miniatures, a selection of Drawings, ready to shipped worldwide :)

Hercules - Il Quasi Guercino-Sardini

cut paper and watercolours

16cm by 12cm

Vanitas - Royal Portrait

cut paper and watercolours

26cm by 18cm

Atelier Still life

Live sketch done at my atelier in Paris


The Antic Gallery of Le Louvre

Live sketch done at Le Louvre, on artisanal paper, pencil and charcoal

15cm by 22cm , sold with or without the early XIXth century frame


An Afternoon in Alexandria

Imagine… Cleopatra never lost at Actium—quite the opposite, she won. Octavian never became Augustus. Together with Mark Antony, they became both Emperors and Pharaohs, reigning supreme over the Roman Empire from Alexandria. Cultures mingled and merged. Roman busts adorned with extravagant jewelry. Greek vases celebrating Cleopatra’s jubilee. A parallel universe where the West truly met the East

learn more about the exhibition here

Cleopatra’s children

paint on wood, depicting the three children of Cleopatra. Inspired by the three muses


Three vases depicting the Heb Sed festival

paint on wood, featuring the revival of Heb Sed festival, the pharaoh’s jubilee

each 29cm by 47cm

The Danse invitation

paint on wood, featuring Bes, Egyptian god of party and a nymph with Egyptian jewellry

Bes 60 cm by 19cm -Nymph 43cm by 19cm

Selene with Tiyi’s headdress

paint on wood, depicting Selene, Cleopatra’s daughter with a headdress inspired by the famous bust of Tiyi

46cm by 14,5cm

Pair of Roman-Egyptian Pharaoh

paint on wood, a creolized Roman-Egyptian pharaoh, wearing Hellenistic jewellry

each 59cm by 34cm

Vase with Bes at the Heb-Sed festival

paint on wood, featuring the Egyptian god on a greek vase

40cm by 13cm

Two vases with Osiris and Seth fighting Apophis

paint on wood, featuring the fight of the gods against Apophis, the god of Chaos

each 24 par 38cm

The Egyptian Victory of Actium

paint on wood, inspired by Roman Victory’s statue. This one depicts an Egyptian version

71 by 29cm

Bust with a Jupiter crown

paint on wood,

35cm by 19cm

Bust of a young Roman-Egyptian boy

paint on wood

36cm by 15cm